Monday, January 28, 2008

Well, here I am on another Monday. I spent a lot of the weekend trying to get my desktop computer back in shape so that I can use it as the centrepiece of my digital studio. I managed to free up a lot of hard drive space, so I installed some of my new music software. As a test, I've decided to input the opening section of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 into my sequencer and try to make it sound as real as possible. So far though, I've been running into some memory issues with my computer and have only been able to pull off some fairly low-quality stuff. Maybe a trip to the computer store for some more RAM is in order. We'll see.

In other news, I've got some cool new ideas for my first "real" all-digital piece. Hopefully I'll have some examples uploaded in the next few days!

Friday, January 25, 2008


Hello, and welcome to Are you my muse?, a musical blog written by yours truly, Brady Robinson. I hope this blog will serve as a launching point for my career as a soundtrack writer by helping increase exposure to my music. Stay tuned for all the latest updates, tunes, and current/future projects I'll be working on!

Right. Now that I've got the blog part up and running, time to tweak some layout settings!